You will be asked to fill out an informed consent for the work to be performed. To save time, we have split our informed consents into two parts. Part A is some general background information that we ask you to read, initial and sign. This may be done at the beginning of the appointment. Part B you will fill out with the doctor and will be done after you have had a chance to thoroughly discuss the procedure with him.
We urge you to spend time talking with our doctors and staff. We would like you to be fully informed about all of the options to treatment that you have. Please never undertake any procedures with us that you do not fully understand or have any reservations about. We strongly feel that this will establish the best patient/doctor relationship.
It may be necessary for the doctors to require x-rays, MRIs, or laboratory work outside of the office. With our affiliations with the neighborhood hospitals, we will be able to order these for you, but it may be necessary for you to go to other facilities to have these performed. This will be done with your knowledge and will be coordinated for you by our office staff. You should be aware however, that bills for these other tests will be forthcoming from other institutions.
At the conclusion of your visit, a small yellow comment card will be provided to you and we ask you to fill this out with any comments that you feel appropriate about our office. We constantly strive to provide the best quality service and your feedback is important.